With everything getting digitized and slowly moving on to the virtual world, there are some industries and arts that are having a bit of a hard time adapting to the new normal. Sales are one of them. Making sales is hard to pull off in-person, and even harder to pull off online, but people like Chuck Hardy, Head of Engineering at Salesroom, have made it their goal to make it easier for people to reach their potential clients, and remove the obstacles that selling in virtual environments pose. TC sat down with Chuck to learn more about Salesroom, about his own journey to becoming a tech leader, and what drives him.


“If you want to be a leader, the one thing you must understand and accept is that it’s not about you – it’s about others. Your teams, your clients, your partners. It’s all about them.”

– Chuck Hardy –

Key takeaways from the podcast: 

  • How tools can help meetings and sales pitches become more supportive and effective
  • Why vision-enabled leadership can help unleash teams and empower them
  • How the art of communication is all about meaning

TLDR: Straight to the point

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