In the world of tech, the things you can do for research, for development, for creation – are simply limitless. And Michele Nati, Head of Telco and Infrastructure Development at IOTA Foundation, is working on the things that are right up there with some of the most exciting tech, IoT and blockchain. Our TC Gill sat down with him for a chat to learn more about Michele’s journey, his leadership style, and what keeps him up at night. 


The key to making it in tech is all about keeping an open mind. That’s the only way you can keep up with the crazy innovation and progress that’s been made week in, week out..”

Michele Nati

Key takeaways from the podcast: 

  • How flatness in company structure opens dialogue and enables alignment 
  • The importance of “minimum viable ecosystems” 
  • Why work-life balance is important for long-term success 

TLDR: Straight to the point

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