Episode 5: Transformation Leadership for CTOs
Guest: Jardena London – Enterprise Business Agility Strategist at Rosetta Technology Group
Once again, greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Jardena London joins me for a riveting discussion on Leading Transformations. On how exciting they are, and at the same time how painfully challenging they can be. In short, It’s not for the faint-hearted.
Some of you may recall Jardena from a previous IT Labs Webinar: “Creating Structural Agility with Living Systems.”, jointly presented with Sally Breyley Parker.
In this talk, we dig deeper into the role of CTOs in organizational transformations. We cover a number of angles including a few outlined here:
- The elements that create good transformation. What supports transformation and what does not.
- What Jardena has observed in her vast experience.
- And the importance of the CTO and tech people in enhancing transformations.
Something in our discussion resonated with me. On how we need to get more of the technology folk talking to the business and supporting them. Especially CTOs. It’s been something that I have been banging the drum about for a long time. Jardena’s view reinforced my belief that we need to break down boundaries with CTO’s leading aspects of a transformation from their wealth of intellect, ideas, and passion for trying new technological ideas.
I hope you come away with as many good takeaways as I did.
Our Guest: Jardena London
Jardena on Linkedin
Jardena on Twitter
Referenced Webinar in the Podcast: Creating Structural Agility with Living Systems (Guests: Јardena London & Sally Breyley Parker)
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