Nick Batchelor 

Director of IT at Gatwick Airport

Podcast – Episode 88:
Leading tech in one of Britain’s busiest airports

How to keep a busy place ticking with the usage of tech, and stable for the tough times

Leading tech in one of Britain’s busiest airports (London Gatwick) – Servicing a million- and one-use cases every day, all-day. There are some complicated businesses out there, all with their demanding tech demands. Our guest on this episode of the CTO Confessions has a pretty challenging job on his and his team’s hands. Nick Batchelor, Director of Information Technology at Gatwick Airport, imparts the wisdom of his years of experience leading in a high-octane operation. 

As tech leaders, our most prized asset is the ability to translate business needs into technology that changes lives, and vice-versa – bridge the gap between the technical and business sides that make the world of IT go round.

We sat down with Nick to learn more about how does one maintain one of the busiest airports in Europe ticking, while deploying an MO which ensures continuous development! 

Key takeaways from the podcast: 

  • The tech challenges that the 2nd busiest UK airport faces. 
  • Trying to create technology that supports ever-changing millions of dynamic use cases  
  • Creating stability at the core of an operation that can easily go wrong 

TLDR: Straight to the point
(Quick Links)

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