What was once a playground for innovation and experimentation has now transformed into a strategic battleground where every technological endeavor must align with broader business objectives. This shift marks a departure from the era of tech for tech’s sake to one where every innovation must serve a purpose – to meet the needs of the customer and drive organizational success. As we delve deeper into the following challenge, it becomes evident that several key aspects contribute to its complexity. 

The challenge of creating team alignment to business goals 

Gone are the days when tech was such a cool thing, we knocked out tech for tech’s sake. It was a bit of a crazy fun party where everywhere you turned; people were creating tech for dubious “good” reasons. Well party time is over. The innovation storm that the tech world resides in just doesn’t have room for doing things because we think they seem kind of funky. We must buckle up and align to the outcomes the business needs, which is strongly underlined by the outcomes the end customer wants! 

Here are some of the aspects that need to be considered in order to understand this challenge: 

How to create that alignment in your teams 

So let me share with you what I think are the strategies for tech leaders to align teams with business goals. Here are a few that I’ve seen employed by tech leaders in my community. 

Clarity in communication 

Firstly, let’s get great at that thing that flows in all human systems, communication. Create crystal-clear communications on our collective objectives. As a CTO, it’s imperative to ensure that your team is not just aware of, but fully understands the broader business objectives. This means consistently communicating the goals, strategies, and expectations in a clear and concise manner. It’s about making sure everyone is on the same page and moving in the same direction. 

Know where you want to go 

As the leader in the space, it’s your top priority to reinforce a unified vision. I suggest continuously articulate and reinforce the company’s vision, over and over again. Integrate the vision into every conversation and decision-making process. The goal is to embed this vision deeply into the team’s mindset, so much so that it becomes a natural part of their thought process and approach to work. 

Feedback, feedback, feedback 

Businesses are a system of systems, and all healthy systems have healthy feedback loops. So, provide ongoing updates and feedback. Keep the team in the loop with regular updates on progress, changes, and any shifts in strategy. This ongoing communication is key to maintaining alignment, as it helps the team understand how their work fits into the larger picture and adapt as needed. 

Outcomes are important as well! 

Also focus on outcomes, not just outputs. Shift the emphasis from mere output or quantity of work to the impact of that work on business and customer outcomes. Make it clear that success is measured not just by what is produced, but by how it contributes to the company’s goals and adds value to the customer experience. 

By implementing these strategies, tech leaders can effectively overcome the challenge of aligning their teams with the business goals, ensuring that every member contributes meaningfully towards the collective success of the organization.