As IT Labs grows and expands as a brand, so does the company’s obligation to help up-and-coming tech professionals during their formative years – so we’re proud to announce that IT Labs has entered into a collaboration agreement with the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola.
The signing of the collaboration was followed by an event – an IT Labs Open Day at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, at which visitors had the chance to follow presentations from IT Labs’ Kostadin Kadiev (Head of Technology), Frosina Zafirovska (Chief People & Talent Officer), and Blagoj Kjupev (CIO), as each of them covered the technologies and projects IT Labs team members work on and with, and the educational and growth opportunities we offer to aspiring techies. As part of the Open Day, IT Labs’ exciting new Chip Design with HDL Program was also promoted.
As a company that looks to grow and develop tech professionals, we’re grateful to the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola for recognizing us as a worthy partner in their efforts to help young people develop into top professionals. The focus is now on expanding the collaboration even further, helping aspiring techies turn their dreams of becoming highly skilled engineers into reality!
Closer collaboration and cooperation among IT Companies and academic institutions will help in providing better education to the next generation of techies, helping them secure their future, and spur innovation and invention.