Mijo Duric is the owner of Vocosoft and serves as the CTO of Creative Car Park, a London-based car park management company. With a background in software development spanning Croatia, Switzerland, and the UK, Mijo has gained valuable industry experience.

In order to be a leader, you need to think like one – stop trying to solve everything yourself and try to engage others and get them into your world, your approach – give them your energy.” 

Having served as the CTO at Bemrose Mobile for four years, Mijo transitioned to Creative Car Park, where he has held the CTO position for the past five years. Known for his servant leadership style, Mijo is committed to supporting others and places great importance on hiring and retaining top talent. 

Mijo actively assists startups in adopting new technologies and building exceptional products, both through internal development and partnerships with third-party providers. He resides in Croatia. 


Podcast: The Makings of a Leader with Mijo Duric

Growing to become a tech leader means you’ve had your fair share of attempts to do something, and with that – a fair share of failures that you’ve learned from.

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