Chris Holmes is a Peer in the House of Lords, and a tech leader in the world of politics. He has a particular focus on emerging technologies and works to ensure legislation supports development and innovation. An ex-corporate lawyer, Chris has extensive experience in both the private and the public sector, using it to advocate on matters regarding digitization. 

Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t, or tech isn’t for you. Believe in yourself and your idea, surround yourself with people who support you, and don’t ever be afraid to ask for help.

Aside from being a Peer at the House of Lords, he’s also a Chancellor at BPP University, and Deputy Chair at Channel 4. 


Podcast: Giving Technology A Voice with Chris Holmes

While some tech leaders are focused on the tech, others are focused on spreading the gospel of tech into the halls of politics and decision-making. One such leader is Chris Holmes, a Peer in the House of Lords,

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