The Challenge

Insurance underwriters struggle with assessing multifamily property risks due to conventional methods' limitations, overlooking critical operational behaviors. This leads to imprecise evaluations, higher premiums, and missed opportunities to incentivize responsible property management.

The Solution

Our team addressed these challenges with the SRI Score Tool, a dynamic scoring system integrating data from property operations and maintenance. It combines physical attributes with real-time operational analysis, offering underwriters a comprehensive tool for informed decisions. The tool supports complex analytics and includes QuickSight dashboards for easy navigation and understanding of results.


  • PostrgeSQL
  • AWS Lambda
  • Python
  • Amazon QuickSight
  • Machine Learning
  • Docker

IT Labs Services

  • Product Development
  • Product Design
  • Project Planning
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Architect
  • Data Engineer
  • QA Engineer

Case Studies

John Abadom

Business Partner