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How do Recruiters find the Best Candidate for the Job?

How do Recruiters find the Best Candidate for the Job?

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Many of us have been through interviews and have observed the whole process by being part of it, but is the recruitment process the same on both sides of the fence? Is it the same for interviewee and the interviewer? How does the whole process look like for the recruiters? The answers to all of these questions and many more will be answered by Elena Mileska Dvorchanec, Talent Acquisition Specialist at IT Labs, in her Re:Imagine session titled ‘How do Recruiters find the Best Candidate for the Job?’ 


  • The recruitment process 
  • A perspective on job interviews 
  • Why are job interviews important and what information do the recruiters get from them? 


Elena Mileska Dvorchanec is Talent Acquisition Specialist at IT Labs, holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Family and Systematic Counselor, and HR enthusiast, with more than 5 years of experience in the field of human resources. She built her experience in the automotive industry, where she was more focused on the selection and training of new employees, and later moved on to the IT sector, where she’s been since, focusing more on the process of recruitment and onboarding of new employees. 


Date And Time

2022-12-06 @ 05:00 PM (CEST)

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